On September 27th, communities around the world will be mobilizing around climate action as part of the #fridaysforfuture Climate Strike Movement.
As outdoor enthusiasts we believe our love of adventure in nature demands our participation in the fight to save and protect it and we’re calling on all POW members to participate on September 27 (Global Strike).
Better yet, we have a challenge for you! You’ll need a poster to wave at the climate march right? And it’s always fun to get crafty with friends right? We’d like to encourage you to reach out to your local outdoor retailer to plan a Get Crafty for Climate party. It’s an opportunity for outdoor people in your community to come together to make posters and banners in preparation for the climate strikes. With minimal investment; some good markers, bristol board, tape etc., retailers can position themselves as a climate leader in your community and a gathering point for likeminded people. If you want to take it to the next level, reach out to your local brewery, restaurant or bakery and see if they’d be interested in partnering with you. It could be a really fun event and an opportunity to connect with people who share the similar values around climate!
Here’s what we’ll do to support you. Have your retailer email us by September 20 and we’ll send them a pack of POW stickers (for the signs and to give out) plus our Retailer Program Package; posters about POW’s mission, member sign-up sheets, stickers for their front door and counter. At the party, take some pictures and tag @protectourwinterscanada with #GetCraftyForClimate and we’ll enter you to win an amazing party at your local outdoor shop! Here’s what’s included:
- Free beer from our friends at Fat Tire
- Free pizza from our partners at Patagonia
- POW Canada swag giveaways
- Premier of Switchback Entertainment’s new film (to be released this fall) hosted remotely by POW Ambassador and Board Chair Mike Douglas (remotely hosted)
So…….get planning! Call, email or walk-in to your local outdoor retailer and explain the opportunity. We’re in the middle of a climate emergency and there’s no reason for individuals or businesses to stay on the sidelines – especially if they love the outdoors (besides this is the time of year when they really want people in their stores). We need all hands-on deck. It’s a massive challenge but do you never start a hike, run, ride, paddle or climb saying “I can’t do that”? Heck no!!!
The biggest mistake we can make is assuming someone else will do it. IF NOT YOU…..WHO?
[email protected] or 1-833-POW-CANA
#GetCraftyForClimate Campaign Assets:
- Poster