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Back in June 2020, we launched our #DeclineTheMine campaign against the proposed expansion of the Vista Coal Mine near Jasper Alberta. Last week the Federal Government rejected the proposed expansion AND took it a set further by sunsetting the future of thermal coal mining in Canada!  

Opposing the expansion of the Vista Coal mine was a no brainer. For one, Vista produces Thermal Coal which is the dirtiest form of coal (used for heating/electricity). Secondly, this mine (and others in the area) literally remove mountains in the mining process and we kinda like the way Jasper looks - safe to say the 2.6 million tourists who visit Jasper annually would agree. 

Our #DeclineTheMine campaign elevated the legal work of our allies Ecojustice in asking the Federal Government to mandate an environmental assessment of the proposed expansion. As you may recall we were successful in getting an assessment mandated. Last week Minister Wilkinson announced the expansion did NOT pass the environmental assessment and took it one step further by creating a process that essentially makes it impossible for new mines to open or existing mines to expand, signalling the end of coal in Canada.  

Thank you to the thousands of POW members who used our Enthusiast to Advocate Tool to send emails to the key decision makers. This BIG WIN clearly demonstrates the POWer of our movement, the passion of our members and the strategy behind our work. 


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