Understanding the POWer of movements and the forces working to suppress progress is important baseline information when working for climate action. Each fall we gather our ambassadors, partners and other stakeholders for a multi-day training session to review the latest in climate science, strategy, objectives and campaigns. This year, for obvious reasons, the retreat was condensed to one day and held virtually via zoom. Although in-person is more effective and engaging, this year's format allowed for greater participation from ambassadors (often at training camps or events at this time of year) and partners (heads down in marketing and comms plans) - plus it was a win from a budget and carbon standpoint. We view all POW members as ambassadors and want to ensure everyone has the same access to training and materials to help build the movement. In that spirit, we're pleased to share video recordings of the full, unedited sessions including renowned Harvard professor Naomi Oreskes (author of Merchants of Doubt) discussion on the POWer of social movements on climate.