Climate Science
- Climate Change: The Basics- Climate Atlas
- Greenhouse Gases- Climate Atlas
- Why Climate Changes- Climate Atlas
- Climate Change Projections- Climate Atlas
- Vers un Canada carboneutre - Institut Canadien pour les choix climatiques
- Objectifs du développement durable - Nations Unies
- Changement climatique : les principes de base - Atlas climatique du Canada
- Gaz à effet de serre - Atlas climatique du Canada
Climate Issues
- A strong climate law for Canada- Answers to your questions about Bill C-12- Eco Justice
- What Biden’s U.S. Election Win means for Canadian Climate Action - The Narwhal
- Money is the Oxygen on Which the Fire of Global Warming burns- The New Yorker
- How Indigenous Protected Areas can help build a better BC- The Narwhal
- Climate change driving Indigenous food insecurity in Canada: report - The Narwhal
- Can Canada stymie the Trump administration’s plan to open an Arctic refuge to oil drilling? - The Narwhal
- Ice Sheet Melting Is Perfectly in Line With Our Worst-Case Scenario, Scientists Warn - Science Alert
- Big Oil’s Backers Are Jumping Ship — and That’s Good for the Planet - The Tyee
- The Anatomy of Glacial Ice Loss- NASA Earth Science Team
- Crise climatique - WWF
Climate Education
- 5 ways education can help fight climate change - Global Campaign for Education
- BESIDE Magazine
Climate Solutions
Bokashi Composting – Here’s What You Need to Know:
- 4 Ways to Strengthen Climate Action in the Wake of COVID-19 - World Resources Institute
- The good news about climate change - World Wildlife Federation
- Why there is hope that the world's coral reefs can be saved - The Guardian
- Alexandra Cousteau Wants To Restore The Oceans By 2050 - Forbes
- Blue carbon: the climate change solution you’ve probably never heard of - The Narwhal
- La révolution agroécologique, Nourrir tous les humains sans détruire la planète - Alain Olivier
- Sauver la planète une bouchée à la fois - Bernard Lavallée
- Low-tech : repenser nos technologies pour un monde durable : conseils et témoignages - Clément Chabot
- L'économie circulaire, une priorité - Recyc-Québec
- Qu'est-ce que l'Accord de Paris? - United Nations Climate Change
- La théorie du Donut : une nouvelle économie est possible - OXFAM
Take Action
- Find your Member of Parliament
- Write to your MP about wildfires (MS Word template letter)
- Write to your MP about wildfires (PDF template letter)