Thana Boonlert has been specializing in greenhouse gas emissions for over 10 years. With a background in Environmental Engineering from the University of Guelph, he's had the opportunity to quantify air emissions from various industrial sources such as coal mines, manufacturing facilities, pulp mills, wastewater treatment plants, and several different oil and gas facilities. Now residing in Calgary, Alberta, he specializes in methane reduction, where him and his team have had significant input in regards to policies on quantification methodologies with the regulators. Having previously spent a lot of time in the field conducting air sampling at sites all over Canada, Thana has gained a great deal of empathy which has allowed him to have a unique perspective and human lens when communicating issues pertaining to climate change today.
In addition, Thana has also completed extensive Climate Leadership training, is on the board of The Regeneration Learning Society (a non-profit geared at helping Albertans become good Climate and Social Justice advocates), has created local sustainability and climate committees that are still on-going today, has previously run as a candidate in the federal and provincial elections, and is generally always looking for ways to get involved in the community with an open mind and heart.
Furthermore, Thana is an avid splitboarder, trail runner, photographer, and musician.