Nature-based Climate Solutions include actions to protect, manage and restore forests, grasslands, agricultural lands, and wetlands that sequester and store vast amounts of carbon emissions and improve biodiversity, as well as utilize our environment’s natural assets to adapt to our changing landscapes. Nature-based Climate Solutions offer powerful and cost-effective ways to tackle the climate crisis.
Nature-based Climate Solutions provide an immediate opportunity to harness the power of nature in the fight against climate change. Our planet has always used natural carbon storage processes in forests, plant matter, soil and oceans, but through new investment, policy initiatives and Indigenous authority these solutions can be supercharged, leading to a reduction of up to 78 Mt CO2e (11% of Canada’s current annual carbon emissions) annually by 2030.
Top examples of Natural Climate Solutions include protecting more natural areas to capture and store greenhouse gases, improving farming practices such as planting cover crops and nutrient management, and planting trees to restore forests. Protection, management, and restoration pathways will create new jobs and provide alternative revenue streams to Indigenous communities, farmers, ranchers and foresters to help stimulate our economy.